PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injections

Sports Medicine Specialist & Men’s Health Clinic located in Bay Harbor Islands, FL & Hallandale, Hallandale, FL

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injections

PRP is a technique whereby a small blood sample is taken from the patient and put into a centrifuge (a device that spins at high speed). This process separates platelets from other blood components. Because the injection contains a high concentration of platelets, which can be from 5 to 10 times more than the untreated blood, doctors theorize that the platelets will speed up healing. The concentration of platelets is then injected into the area. 

By injecting areas of inflammation or tissue damage with high concentrations of platelets, it can increase blood flow to the penis thereby increasing sensitivity and pleasure. The technique is done in the office and is virtually painless. The risk of allergic reaction is virtually none since the patient's own plasma is being utilized.

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