Chronic Tendinitis

Chronic tendin inflammation, or tendinitis, can occur at joints such as your elbow, knee, or shoulder, causing disrupting pain and dysfunction. At Vitality Health & Aesthetics in Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, Solomon Behar, MD, offers innovative, effective regenerative medicine to help you heal from chronic tendinitis and restore function and movement. 

Call the office or book an appointment online today to learn more about this nonsurgical, no injection therapy that helps you quickly find relief.

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Chronic Tendinitis Q & A

What is chronic tendinitis?

When the connective tissue at a joint becomes inflamed, you may experience pain, swelling, reduced range of motion, and compromised function. This is tendinitis. It can be difficult to heal and often becomes chronic. 

Joints potentially affected include the:

  • Hip
  • Shoulder
  • Knee
  • Elbow
  • Ankle
  • Heel

Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, and golfer’s elbow are examples of chronic tendinitis.

What is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave Therapy is an effective treatment for chronic tendinitis that delivers regenerative soundwaves to areas that experience pain and inflammation. The energy stimulates your body to heal the treated area naturally.

Your body increases blood flow to the injured area and improves lymphatic circulation, so waste is removed. The shockwaves also break down injured tissue and calcifications.

What are the benefits of Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave Therapy is effective and safe. It doesn’t require incisions, blood loss, injections, or long periods of healing. You can also avoid taking medications, and the treatment has minimal side effects. 

Each treatment is fast, lasting just about 10-15 minutes. You’ll notice a reduction in pain after three to four therapy sessions.

Where is Shockwave Therapy most effective?

Although Shockwave Therapy can have a positive effect on chronic tendinitis in any joint, it’s particularly helpful for the shoulder and knee. In general, Shockwave Therapy is 77% effective in improving chronic tendinitis at any joint. It’s especially helpful in cases in which other treatments have failed.